The recipe comes from "The Best of Sunset" and it's a delicious grilled thai style recipe. I usually double the glaze as it keeps in the fridge and is...
Harissa, a spicy North African red chile paste (you can find recipes here on Food) is a great shortcut ingredient to flavor, but no two jars (or tubes)...
I love the combination of lemon, garlic and oregano common in so many Greek recipes. Naturally, I had to save this one found on the Cooking Light website....
Jamie Oliver says - "I remember meeting a lovely old couple outside my parents' pub and when they heard I was going to Italy they told me to make sure...
From the Food Network Kitchens. This is a quick way to have exotic comfort food. There is a recipe for Tunisian Pesto listed because you will need to stir...
I'm making this tonight-posted for the nutrition info. From the Sonoma Diet. The original recipe calls for cannellini, but I have Great Northern so that's...
My husband loves chicken cacciatore, I did not. Not until I came up with this recipe. Quick and easy, and the crock pot is very convenient. The leftovers...
Another recipe I found in Steven Raichlen's "The Barbecue Bible" and this is what he states about the recipe: "The United States isn't the only place where...
A zesty, lightly dusted oven baked "fried" chicken for Buttermilk Ranch lovers - this is my twist on Bisquick's recipe for oven baked fried chicken. My...
I hunted down this recipe after seeing it on Nigella Bites. Looks great, and easy. I hope to try it very soon. Cooking time does not include marinating...
I got this out of the new Kraft What's Cooking magazine. The picture looked wonderful, but the recipe seemed too simple - I didn't really think that it...
This recipe is handed down from my husband's Czech grandmother (although has been slightly modified to use modern amenities like a food processor). Economical,...
This is a good low fat recipe for chicken thighs. The recipe comes from my New family cookbook for people with diabetes. The marinating time is not included...
Marinated in a garlicky sweet and sour sauce, the chicken pieces are then easily barbecued or oven-baked to perfection.Special homemade Thai sauce as either...
This is a dish from Maa Dagdevien, the "go to guy" for Turksih barbeque. The aleppo pepper can be substitued with 2 tsp. dried red pepper and 2 tsp. paprika....
I adapted this recipe from "The Pressure Cooker Gourmet", by Victoria Wise. You can substitute any kind of chicken pieces, bone-in or boneless. You would...
Another recipe that I found on Taste of Home that I would like to try soon. Here is what the author state: "I got this grilled chicken recipe from a friend...
I started with a recipe for Chicken Cacciatore and made several modifications to include polenta and cannellini beans - both hot trends in Italian cooking....
I found this tender, tasty chicken recipe in a recent issue of Cooking Light. It is tender inside with a nice crisp crust! Prep time includes 1 hour of...
In a small household, you are always left with part of a package of something. This recipe was born from my desire to use up things in the fridge. I've...
This is a quick and easy grill recipe from the July 2008 Cooking Light. I thought it would be posted here somewhere but I just don't see it. This is such...
This is a common grilled/skewered chicken in Japan, but also officially is considered any type of skewered food in general. This is the recipe that I found...
This main dish is easy to make as a budget dinner. It can feed four people for less than $10. Chicken thighs are economical and full-flavored. But we often...
A great way to make chicken thighs. My kids love this recipe. I have made this with boneless thighs and breasts also. Adjust cooking time if using other...
These have a great flavor! I have adapted this recipe to make in the crock pot, one of my favorite kitchen appliances :) They're easy and yummy served...
These are addictive. Recipe adapted from 'Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone". I used Lee Kum Kee Chinese barbecue sauce, available in the Asian section...
This is one of my fam's favorite dishes (my 8 yr old son, P1, loves it!) and it's super easy to make too. Lots of chopping, but I find that more therapeutic...
I have also made this using 4 large bone-in chicken breasts both will work fine for this recipe, if desired you may add in a can of very well drained sliced...